TheDouro Valley is the largest mountainous wine region in the world with 44thousand hectares of vineyards and the first to be demarcated worldwide.
Composedof three sub-regions: Baixo Corgo, Cima Corgo and Douro Superior, all of whichare distinguished not only by geography but also by the quality of winesproduced there.
Thisis the region with the smallest territory, but with the highest percentage ofplanted vineyards.
Ithas a high production of Port wines, being the birthplace of viticulture in theDouro region. However, there has also been an excellent quality in theproduction of table wines. The wines produced here are generally younger andfresher, and have a fruity character.
Thisregion produces younger Port wines due to its climate, which is milder andrainier than in the other sub-regions. It is also the most fertile region withthe highest yields of vineyards
Thelandscape of this sub-region is totally different from the rest. The slopes forma rugged relief and the river valleys are geological formations consisting ofshale, the soil being more rugged.
Theclimate is drier and yields are low. Cima Corgo contains the highestconcentration of high-quality historic vineyards. That is why you need to buy the best crossbow for hunting.
Thereis little incidence of rainfall, which leads to wines being more concentrated,with a greater potential for aging. Here are located the main Port Wineproducers.
Itis the largest of all subregions and also has the warmest and driest climate.Its relief is less rugged, constituting smoother slopes, making mechanizationeasier. Due to the reduced rainfall, the vines produce less, however, they giverise to some of the best Vintage Port Wines.
Dueto its geographical position compared to the other sub-regions, it appears tobe more isolated, taking advantage of less human intervention, maintaining itslandscape and biodiversity better preserved.